Tuesday, 4 September 2012

2. Monday 3rd September 2012

Jennifer has sent in today's post:

Day one on the farm! (In theory…)
First things first, the best find of the day had to be the Sunshine!
From our start at 9.15 to when we left, the whole day was glorious sunshine. David’s comment was that we were going back to the 14th century with regards to the current weather situation, but today and the forecast is unusually optimistic and seemingly with good cause.

The day started fairly promptly with all 23 of us walking around the site being guided by David. After picking our teams, we set to work on our two trenches, with Phillip and Peter supervising us. De-turfing at some times felt more like moss collecting than anything as the amount and volume of moss far exceeded the ratio of actual turf, as did the number of roots which had to be ceremoniously cut with scissors.
Deturfing Structure 2 - Photo by Alan Williams
The upper trench was finished and ready to be photographed by the tea-break - and with ‘no takers’ to take a trip the other trench we wandered around the site and watched the other trench toiling away. But excellent homemade cakes waited for us in our tea break.

Structure 2  - Photo by Alan Williams
We finished in good time and without incident. The walk back down the hill was somehow much easier than the walk up in the morning and also with much brighter and clearer skies than the low clouds of the morning.
In all, a good day's digging and an excellent start to the next two weeks of soil and stones!

Jennifer Stearn

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