Sunday, 9 September 2012

6. Friday 8th September 2012

Alan Williams writes:

Friday saw the return of the traditional summer weather – low cloud and drizzle. As there was fewer participants than usual (obviously some people pay more attention to weather forecasts than others), it was decided to concentrate the efforts on site 1

A 2x1m sondage was dug in trench 1-1 to show that the paved floor present in 1-2 did not extend this far into the building, adding weight to the idea that this end was where the stock were housed. Well, that failed miserably as soon a series of limestone flooring flags were revealed with a similar spacing to that found in 1-2.

The existing sondage in 1-2 was extended after some of the flags were carefully removed (to be re-instated later) to see if there was any underlying structure. A couple of small charcoal fragments were found which should be able to augment the dating evidence of that found in the original small sondage. A small fragment of charcoal was also recovered from between the flags in 1-1 by the eagle-eyed Peter G.

By lunchtime it was evident that the weather was not  going to improve and with the workers looking increasingly like participants in a mud-wrestling competition, David decided to draw the activities to a close for the day.
Alan Williams
PS No photos as Alan didn’t want his camera ruined by the mud and rain…


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