Wednesday, 12 September 2012

8. Tuesday 11th September 2012

Another day of glorious Yorkshire weather today!
The wall of rain and mist gradually did clear and our friends from Africa brought the sunshine with them and it did stay; only temporarily disappearing behind the occasional cloud.

Photo by John Asher
The tarpaulins did come in useful though to cover the trenches that were slowly turning into swimming pools

Today we backfilled three trenches, photographed and recorded what was left. Now only trenches 6 and 7 are being actively worked upon - we are doing some ‘serious trowelling’, which puts into question what we were doing before.
Trench 2, Farmstead 2 - Photo by John Asher
It was once again a rather uneventful day for finds and David may now be sick of the sight of charcoal and the occasional animal bone..

The camaraderie and enduring optimism, plus the addition of excellent and very welcoming ginger cake, really made the rain and the wind seem quite irrelevant today. The archaeology and the madness of all the different people digging defies the weather. But having said that, naturally we have backed out of digging tomorrow and become cowards as the weather forecast doesn’t look at all good.

So hopefully back to the remaining trenches on Thursday!

Jennifer Stearn    

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