Monday, 17 September 2012

11. Saturday 15th September 2012

All ten of us (including my unwitting parents), worked very hard to finish off the dig and tidy up all our effects. When we had finished it was as if we had never been there at all. We even managed to finish off what was left of Alison’s cake and ate it enjoying the sunshine and the glorious view.
Backfilling - photo by Jennifer Stearne

The test-pits had their final exploration, finding more charcoal and tooth, plus burnt stone inside the dwelling that encompassed trench 2. After digging two other test-pits around hot-spots, this was somewhat irritating, finding precisely nothing, except a small piece of red stone, in two weeks.

Backfilling - Photo by jennifer Stearne

The conclusion after the two weeks is that we were looking at two separate enclosed farmsteads with various buildings, possibly dated earlier than anyone had expected, so now it is the long wait to get everything dated and see what outcomes there are.

It was a great team effort to plan, topograph and backfill the remaining trenches, but eventually, with David’s trailer filled once again, and with our ‘buckets and spades’, we set off back down the hill for the last time, only the sheep seemed glad that we had gone.

Jennifer Stearn

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