Friday, 7 September 2012

5. Thursday 6th September 2012

Jennifer writes:

Today the weather was less good to us and a prevailing wind kept up, but thankfully the rain held off.

Photo by Alan Williams
Another small trench was added to see if we could find the threshold of the larger ‘dwelling’; no such luck yet, but eventually some charcoal was uncovered.
All trenches have been going down further today, but still, very little has been found.

The very handsome Darcy - Photo by Alan Williams
Our “guard dog”, Darcy returned today and stole anything that was edible! 

Once again, an excellent cake kept us going at our afternoon tea-break, thank you again.

In all, very little happened today, but all the bits of finds - like a tooth and charcoal - were inevitably found at the end of the day, causing much nuisance, but then again, we were told to start finding things, so we duly did!

Photo by Alan Williams
Although we spent a lot of time watching the RAF fly- pasts, we still got a lot of digging done and we should hopefully start finding more significant things in the days to come.

Jennifer Stearne

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