Wednesday, 5 September 2012

3. Tuesday 4th September 2012

Jennifer reports on Day Two of the dig:

The weather started off as rain but as soon as we reached the site it was clear and dry, and continued to get hotter through the day. Sitting enjoying the sunshine we could understand why our ancestors chose to live and work up in that sheltered spot.

The entertainment of the day came when the ‘bog van’ got ‘bogged down’, after the driver decided to turn around in the wet field. Tractors and land rovers and straw later and he finally got free, cheered on by a whole team of archaeologists stood on the hill above him. The collective thought at the end was whether we could hire him to do some backfilling!

With the preliminaries done,  planning and photographing could take place today. Also with the addition of another small trench to explore some anomalies. Part of the upper trench was also relieved of excess and ‘loose’ stones, which uncovered yet more stones and a fresh ant’s nest. The only finds were a few pieces of bone in the upper trench, but some last minute trench walking led to a piece of chert being discovered, David had said that anyone who had the audacity to find a piece of chert would be whipped, so we know who won’t be coming on site tomorrow!

Another good day of digging and hopefully we might actually find something more than rocks tomorrow!

Jennifer Stearn

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